I want Dr. Hinshaw to succeed in convincing Albertans to do the right thing. I could hear her frustration today. But her media availability was full of equivocation. She was asked for details, numbers, concrete examples...1/6
and instead we heard ‘it depends’, ‘we’re not sure yet’, ‘we’re monitoring that’, ‘there are many factors’ or ‘I have not been part of that conversation.’ For me, at least, it sounds like there is no plan. The threat of ‘more intrusive measures’ seems empty because...2/6
there is no indicator of what that means. At all. We blew past the 50% ICU capacity trigger and then some. I understood when she first said 35 of 70 in ICU that *something* would happen. Nothing did. New York closed their schools today at the 3% testing positivity, like 3/6
they said they would. We’re at more than double that, and no trigger number is indicated. Dozens of school are on ‘watch’ with 5+ current cases. And....what? How are they being watched? What is different about schools on watch ? 4/6
We also hear Dr. Hinshaw say there were people going out of their way to find loopholes in the new measures and bend the rules. Could there be a clearer indicator that something stricter needs to be in place, with some strong deterrent, enforceable fines behind it? 5/6
Again, I want these health measures to succeed, but at the same time I want some concrete, specific answers with numbers, deadlines and true consequences. 6/6
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