One thing I'd like to see changed in the next gen is referring to elected officials by their titles. As if they're more important than us

Mr. President? Nope, it's Donald or Joe

Speaker Pelosi? Nope, it's Nancy.

Leader McConnell? Nope, it's Mitch.

These fuckers work for us.
You don't show respect for an office by calling a human being by an honorific title. You show respect for the office by voting in elected officials who care about people.
So many people have been brainwashed into this respect for office nonsense and it just leads to people treating these politicians with kid gloves.
All the "respect for the office" people are watching these elected officials leave DC to spend time with their families while their fellow Americans starve

Fuck "respect for the office". It just makes these fuckers think they're above us all & unanswerable to their constituents.
These fuckers should live in fear everyday of a revolution and act accordingly. Instead we have to say please and thank you to them. Instead they get to ignore reporter's questions and answer what they want to answer.
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