Right wing ideologies are bottom up, meaning that the people following a given ideology are coming to it by their own independent learning, as opposed to Left wing ideologies that are top down where adherents are literally inculcated via the media and schools. (1)
This is why the Left exhibits a herd-like mentality, they are a herd of people whose every idea is beaten into their by constant repetition. They defend billionaires and the govt because that's what they were brainwashed into doing, they had no choice in the matter. (2)
Leftists make constant appeals to Harry Potter or Avengers etc because they have no axioms to ground their beliefs only other arbitrary beliefs that were also pumped into their head from above. (3)
All Liberals justification works something like:

Me: "can you explain why this is so?"
Lib: "it's like when Dumbledore blah blah"
Me: "no can YOU explain why this is true?"
Lib *searching mental database*: " uhh okay captain America is good fought Nazis bad"
All justification is something circular where they call up another authority, in this case what's on TV. But it could've just as easily been "experts say" or "most people agree".
This all boils down to this truth, that "the left" are just the group of people in a society who have been so demoralized that they now make such extensive use of heuristics like "authority figure = usually correct" that they can no longer do anything else. (1/2)
Theyve been so conditioned to this heuristic that their faculties for critical thinking have withered away. Now they can only get information from another equal authority (impossible) or be beaten into submission. Their minds simply will not allow for anything else (2/2)
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