If I ever encountered a machine like this I would instantly enter an apelike state and use both hands to smash it against the wall https://twitter.com/ashhpotato/status/1328950265001684996
Not because its an automated machine that has been used to do the job of a human and is now cynically parroting the aesthetics of the same stressed worker that has been put out of a job, not that it is a true homunculus of capitalist realism distilled to its most nakedly evil,
Not even because it is a shrine to the failure of an automated future that we were promised, a land where machinery allowing one man to do the work of 10 meant those 10 men could do a tenth as much work for the same pay, not 9 of those men being thrown to the curb
Not even that its a tool of oppression, a machine used by a monolithic corporation to edge out a fraction of a percentage more profit for their shareholders at the expense of the human fucking beings forced to eke an existence in the capitalist hellscape produced by these actions
But that this creature, this fucking phylactery of misery, this obelisk node of the uncaring ravages of capital, this electronic abomination, this affront to the very idea of a just world, IS TALKING IN A FUCKING UWU VOICE
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