I have been trying to put into words why I find myself in such an apathetic state. I don't think I am alone since I have noticed a decline in video-making from the right generally. Since I am not making videos until after Turkey day, I will substitute with a tweet storm 1/
First, the election is a statistical tie; its outcome demonstrates virtually nothing besides political division. The margin that determines the electoral college is well within the ordinary error associated with cheating and miscounting on any ordinary year. 2/
Second, what is VERY apparent now is that elections here are determined by the RULES in place and the institutions which enforce those rules. Whether Trump wins or loses, this will be the take away lesson for America and all of the world. 3/
As such, we are essentially looking at an enormous power swing based on arbitrary technicalities and institutional rules. The usual democratic excuse that a election represents some kind of "popular will" is transparently false. 4/
Increasingly, even dyed-in-the wool "trust-the-system" centrists are beginning to see and talk about this political reality in our country. It's no longer about who "the people want", it's about who can get into power and justify their power. 5/
However, this new question, while more realistic, is no more meaningful. In the sense that the left/right imagine "governing", this country is ungovernable. To be the America we remember, we can't be as CULTURALLY divided as we obviously are in 2020. 6/
Sure, it would be possible to crush your enemies, lock them down under regulations and censor, and then wield power over their total contempt. However, this is certainly NOT the vision most people (even radicals) have. 7/
Some very bitter individuals (growing but still a minority) might relish crushing their opponents as an end to itself. However, for most people this is no way to live. Even for leftists, you don't find the torment of their political enemies in John Lennon's "Imagine" 8/
To rule America / The West there needs to be some kind of reigning cultural consensus. The mainstream (Cathedral) has slowly lost the ability to maintain ANY cultural narrative for the simple reason that its narratives have slowly become totally misaligned with reality. 9/
Over the last 60 years, the left has promised things that can't exist. It has promised lifestyles that are destined to fail (for most people), and a future it can't possibly realize. Yet, in the light of these failures, it doubles down with more distortions every time. 10/
Since, a prerequisite for being on the left (even the radical left) is asserting belief in the promises made by moderate-progressives in past decades, self-correction is almost impossible. Even left language makes it impossible to notice their own epistemological mistakes. 11/
What we can expect from the radical left is a demand for a new MORE leftist "Dream" built on top of the old leftists "Dream" that is crumbling around them. What results is a new left that prioritizes sadistic power displays and a total disconnect from lived human reality. 12/
Already, we can this in figures like Vaush and his Twitch-streaming clones. The product is hateful anti-intellectual masturbation, and I think even its audience knows that it is. It is disgusting, but it is the ONLY thing that the left can do at this stage. 13/
What remains is for a correction to come from the NON-left ("right"), here are a different set of problems. The right-wing has been a shell political force since the end of WW2. It has no independent activism, little independent media/schools, and no good source of leaders. 14/
Everyone on the dissident right knows this, but trying to DO something about it has proved difficult. The internet is useful, replying to leftists (who will always just yell louder) is not. Here, for myself, IRL contacts are essential, but COVID nixed this possibility. 15/
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