NWO = OWN = NAZI 2.0 The wound of the beast was healed, Rev 13. That's Klaus Schwab aka Palpatine NWO. New World Order = Novum Ordo Seculorum. See $$$$ bill! NOS was borrowed from Virgil's Eclogue IV by Ch.Thomson. From mason to mason. ....+>>
....+>> But study first Virgil's verses! Is about Saturn (Satan) worship! "..returns old Saturn's reign,
With a new breed of men..." Now, see that Klaus Schwab is a PRIEST in a Saturn + witchcraft fellowship. The 9-star! See verses: ....+>>
Please observe the "Palpatine" suit of this WEF psychopat also leader of a Saturn worship. The 9-star is a Saturnalia well-known alchemical sign. Greek Kronos (own baby-eater) = Saturn by romans. On 17 Dec was the custom to chose a Saturn-king. 
Saturnalicius princeps ("Ruler of the Saturnalia"), ruled as master of ceremonies for the proceedings. He is compared to the medieval Lord of Misrule at the Feast of Fools. FEAST OF FOOLS! Got-it?
The original Latin in Virgil's Eclogue IV (line 5) is:
"Magnus ab integro seclorum nascitur ordo." Old masons were "chonic mysteries" . Ch.Thomson was a modern mason...
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