In the midst of a healthcare crisis, the shift grabbed more attention than it deserved as Capitol inhabitants worked to give it meaning. My favorite; claiming the shift is a victory for moderates. That gives me real pause.
Senators Bakk and Gazelka are aligned, not on ideology, but in how they employ the power of the office to which they are elected. Of course there is already a deal in place for committee chairs, "prominent" chairs, for the new independents.
I expect it comes at a price but not complete allegiance. It's the classic, transactional, backroom deal that some call shrewd. 
I learned, while in the room, that those who use power to hold diminishing power often leave Minnesotans and the hard fought work of our future behind.
People say that politicians don't give a damn about them. It's not hard to point to examples where those elected to represent us are so busy tending to their power, that they have forgotten about us.

I will fight for better because I give a damn.
I’ll work with my Senate colleagues, all of them. And I plan to bring Minnesotans with me. The power of elected office rests with Minnesotans and they are clear- they want us to work for them and to make progress.
What's in the Capitol today expires in the next election- and I take that to heart. I am rested and ready to fight- for all of us.
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