ideas to post for fkbu stans !! <3

a (reallyyy long) thread !! :>
☆ for artists (or literally anyone that can draw)

u could draw...
- the entire mcptf at a sleepover
- christmas theme art
- any fkbu character as a cursed image
- the entire mcptf at a playground
- just daiharu in a playground
- (any fkbu character) going shopping for plushies
☆ for artists (2)

u could draw...
- daisuke in cute lolita dresses
- suzue flying a helicopter to bring haru to a 7eleven store
- saeki (bc theres not enough fanart of me >:3)
- suzue going shopping for dresses and eyeliner but she brings daisuke to test it out for her
☆ for artists (3)

u could draw...
- kamei and suzue shopping for eyeliner and suzue shocked by kameis eyeliner skills
- hoshino buying haru coffee bc y not <3
- the entire mcptf at a hotel
♡ for people who have good PHOTO (or shit) editing skills

- daisuke's head on literally anything
- take any fkbu screenshot and change the captions
- put cute clips on daisukes hair :>
- any fkbu character but make it those spotify covers ("this is Daisuke" yk what i mean)
♡ for people with PHOTO editing skills

- any fkbu character as clickbait youtube thumbnails
- any fkbu character in a netflix show cover
- any fkbu character in a childrens story book cover
- any fkbu character badly edited onto any item, like ANY item
◇ for people with VIDEO editing skills

- lofi music over any looped scene in fkbu
- mute any scene in fkbu and add a random song over it
- a fancam of cho-san or takei
- an aesthetic edit of every time daisuke does something life threatening (or any life threatening situation)
◇ for people with VIDEO editing skills (2)

- an entire vid with no sound and just silent pauses in fkbu
- edit any scene in fkbu like a vlogger (alot of text, sound effects, yk what i mean)
- put totally unrelated music to literally any scene so it makes absolutely no sense
♧ for fanfic writers

- christmas au
- new year au
- the entire mcptf in a sleepover
- the entire mcptf going shopping
- someone d wording (dont, its too sad but u do u)
- au where daisuke is poor and haru is the rich mf
- suzue
- help im running out of ideas
♤ for people who specialize in overthinking

- overthink
- make a wack theory that sounds like a joke but could possibly be true with an explaination
- make a wild theory ab any insignificant item in the background of any scene
- give yoko and hiroshi a backstory
♤ for people who specialize in overthinking (2)

- make a powerpoint
- write an entire research thesis paper on ur theory
- agressively criticize any of the fkbu character's clothes
- narrate haru's cooking scene like its an episode of food wars
○ for RP accs

- interact with me
- i cant think of anything else o god
- suzue can u get me gummy bear earrings pls
~°•☆ mini notes !! ☆•°~
• its currently 1 am here and my brain cant think of any more ideas, feel free to add ur own <33
• i made this thread for the fkbu stans that are inactive just bc they dont know what to post anymore
~°•☆ mini notes !! ☆•°~

!! if any of yall are considering to do any of the things i listed above, i give u full permission to use it and not having to mention me or referencing me as the inspo <3 if u wanna then go ahead- u do u bb!!
☆ pls retweet this for all the hopeless miserable fkbu stans out there ☆
~ cursed photos to draw the fkbu characters in
~ cursed pics
~ cursed pics
~ cursed pics
♡ ok thats enough this thread is too long already u probably arent going to read this anymore

♡ stay safe bbies, ily all!!
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