If the possessed person desires to manifest Satanic forces into the material world and into their life in order to gain power over others or get material things, they would use Black Magic or SRA practices to house the demons and the dark forces that exist in the lowest realms
such as hell realms, underworld or phantom. When creating a Black House structure, it is designed to house demonic, satanic and negative entities, usually as a trade exchange for receiving earthly power or material possessions.
Demonics or Imposter Spirits will trade knowledge or power in some way in exchange for the person's Soul light or life force energy, or blood or sexual sacrifices, which results in astral bindings, attachment cords, that are connected to these lower spiritual entities that
continue to parasitize the human's energy field. These entity Blood Covenants can be intergenerational, and span many lifetimes infecting future generations, and children.
When a person becomes in Consent with Satanic forces, they are agreeing to be in servitude and binding to the will of these lower primitive forces, which will continue to access energetic bindings of that person throughout the current identity and into the death process.
Effectively this also describes full Possession, the person is not single soul occupied, and exists in servitude to a lower kingdom than human being. It is important to know that a human being from continually abusing his body and soul, can lose his status as human being,
and descend into the unconsciousness streams of animalistic or elemental consciousness. This is the desired outcome of the NAA, that want to subject the earth humans to Dehumanization in this last dark cycle, to collect human souls and make them deviant, corrupt and subhuman.
Many people do not realize when they conjure demonics or Satanic forces, they invite in Negative Aliens also, who will take advantage of that person through implants, siphoning, and a host of other issues concerning access to their human energy field or lightbody.
When a human is in Consent with Satanic forces they lose their spiritual sovereignty, and become in servitude to these forces, in earthly life and in the death of the physical body. Once these entities are invited into the human body, they do not want to leave.
It is extremely difficult for a practicing Satanist to become freed from possessing spirits, if they have selfishly gained from the inter-relationship. Over time, these parasitic spirits take over the mind and body to increase pain, will trick the person's mind continually
with delusions, may haunt and torment the person into black Depression, Addiction and misery, and they can be hard to get rid of and clear from the body.
These types of Black Magic practices easily lead to partial or full possession of the human body from other world spirits, human or non-human identities that leech inside the body or stay attached to that person's energy field, effectively draining life force.
As a result of the drain, some will participate in ritual human sacrifice or child sex to gain more energy. Many people on the earth today that are very negative, internally violent, feel miserable and play out negative emotional dramas repeatedly, are suffering from mental and
spiritual fragmentation and have an satanic force attachment(s) or Possession.
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