Friends. I wrote the letter calling on elections officials to abide by state law and do a proper hand count because protecting the integrity of our elections is necessary to preserve our Republic. I also believe that we need to ensure that every legal vote is counted.
This is something we should all fight for regardless of party affiliation.

Earlier this week, I learned there are some Republican elected officials who may not share that view.
On Monday, Republican House Speaker Rusty Bowers called me into his office and made it very clear he was opposed to me releasing my letter calling on election officials to abide by existing state law in conducting a hand count of the ballots.
I am not sure what the Speaker’s motives are, but it was disappointing that the Speaker would try and stop our effort to protect the integrity of our elections.
It is important to remember we are a nation of laws, not men. We cannot ignore state law because it is easy or convenient. I will continue to do everything I can to protect the integrity of our elections, and I hope you will too.
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