. @GeorgeGascon has released his transition team. Unsurprisingly it's a roster of reformers and people outside the law enforcement community. Some highlights in this thread:
Robin Steinberg, CEO of The Bail Project, will help on policy to reduce reliance on cash bail. In SF, Gascon relied on the Arnold Public Safety algorithm for this, which is being used in a pilot program in L.A. County courts. More on Bail Project here: https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-bail-project-compton-20181230-story.html
On Conviction Review, Paula Mitchell of the Loyola Law School Project For The Innocent and Franky Carrillo, who unfortunately has direct experience with wrongful convictions in L.A. County. Read more here: https://twitter.com/StoltzeFrankly/status/1329192995606855680?s=20
Natasha Minsker, formerly with the ACLU, and Sean Kennedy, a law professor and member of the LASD Civilian Oversight Committee, will work on death penalty reform. Gascon has promised to effectively cease the use of capital punishment in L.A. County
Other big names include Patricia Soung of the Pacific Juvenile Defender Center (Gascon is promising to end prosecution of youths as adults on Day 1) and Berkeley Law School DEan Erwin Chemerinsky on police accountability issues.
Bamby Salcedo of TransLatina Coalition also part of a group that will work on a "Trauma Informed Approach To Victims." This is by no means an exhaustive list, but these are the highlights. I'll have more on Gascon's transition into the D.A.'s seat in the next week or so.
Also, not a transition issue but another big change coming in early December -- Chief Deputy Joey Esposito, Lacey's #2, has announced his retirement. So Gascon will have to fill that role as well.
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