with the way google is screwing over small channels by monetizing their videos and taking the revenue for themselves, it seems more important than ever to support those channels tbh. what are some of y'alls favourite youtube channels under 25k subs?
so glad someone brought up laura crone! she does a lot of cool film analysis, often centred around comics, horror media, and gendered tropes https://www.youtube.com/c/LauraCrone/videos
OH MY GOSH YES SOMEONE BROUGHT UP ENA DA aka @the_ena_da. funniest fucking person on the internet, she does hilarious short videos and songs and they're all iconic https://www.youtube.com/c/AbenaDapaah/videos
i haven't watched her videos yet, but i'm super excited to check out riley grace roshong! she's a leftist law student studying civil rights, and talks about politics and trans activism! https://www.youtube.com/c/RileyGrace1996
WHAAAT!? she talks about musical theatre history and has a musical dnd podcast??? sign me up IMMEDIATELY! https://www.youtube.com/user/Divinemissem82/videos
oh cool!!! someone suggested zoo tours, wherein this guy has researched more than 80 zoos and just takes you through all the cool exhibits!!! honestly i can't wait to check this out, that's EXACTLY what i need during quarantine https://www.youtube.com/c/ZooTours 
those are just a few that align with my own interests, but there are so many people in the replies tagging amazing channels, and there's a lot of diversity in terms of interest and subject matter in the replies, so there's likely something for everyone!!
omg wait, penelope heaven does free narrated audiobooks of old nancy drew stories? i love that so much!! https://www.youtube.com/user/penelopeheaven/videos
oooh, another channel i'm really excited to check out since multiple people in the replies have promoted him! boyform talks about trans issues and masculinity through a trans lens, and i'm really looking forward to watching his essays https://www.youtube.com/user/rob0tt4rmy/videos
. @ProfessorGutian has recently started up her channel again, which is really exciting! she already has lots of cool videos up about media analysis, fan culture, and representation! https://www.youtube.com/c/PopCultureProfessor/videos
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