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There's no doubt in my mind that this plan has been in the making for some time now. But at what point did it become clear that 2030 would be end of game? I believe it was the result of Sri Lanka's Tsunami and subsequent World Bank bailout of 2004.
Sri Lanka lost 250+K lives. The United Nations and US POTUS Bill Clinton stepped in to implement a plan overseen by World Bank to solve the problems they faced. The #BuildBackBetter slogan was created.
The result of the World Bank taking control of Sri Lanka - terms of contract for $100s of MMs in loans - legislation passed, regulations mandated, constant monitoring, tighter economic control, loss of ownership of land - the bank owns everything in the name of security.
Data harvesting and lessons learned from Sri Lanka were put to the test and by 2014 international guidelines were in place. #BuildBackBetter was becoming a name brand.
By 2016, #WEF and #Davos working in conjunction with the White House, United Nations and global leaders were well on their way to #UNAgenda21 and #UNAgenda2030 - the subjugation of humanity by consent.
By 2018 the United Kingdom had worked out the plans with #Davos' #KlausSchwab. It was a go. Time to roll out the tsunami, I mean #plandemic, and destroy the global economy bringing America to it's knees under the tagline, #TheGreatReset and #BuildBackBetter
And it was done. Every conspiring politician would use the #BuildBackBetter tagline.
Every conspiring government and corporate enterprise would use the #BuildBackBetter tagline.
The #CV19 #plandemic of 2020 is the Sri Lanka Tsunami of 2004. #TheGreatReset, a global elitist conspiracy, needed a #falseflag and #covid19 was it. The reset would be complete with AI, depopulation and one world government.
#Davos has spoken.
#SriLanka is at the heart of the #DavosAgenda #BuildBackBetter program, so is Rothschild.
"The heir to title Baron #Rothschild, Nathaniel will experience beauty of #SriLanka w/ visits to tourist sites during last 7 days of his visit up to 21st Jan" https://twitter.com/MarketNewsLK/status/1349288889194725378?s=20
#SriLanka is set to open 1/21/21 They're selling you hard on the #DavosAgenda #BuildBackBetter
Notice: One World Airlines, constant temperature monitoring, constant sanitation ritual, constant facemask ritual, isolation from others - this is the future
+17 https://twitter.com/3rd_abraham/status/1350802955008663552?s=19
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