Instead of giving a look to actual leaked content in the #NintendoLeaks, I decided to give a look to a thing Microsoft Windows operating systems put into them: Thumbs.db files.

They are the thumbnail cache Windows generates when generating thumbnails from files.
As Windows doesn't update the cache when a file is deleted, Thumbs.db files can be used to see a thumbnail of deleted files (if Windows cached them) or internal ones like folder thumbnails.

All the files below with folder thumbnails were generated by Windows XP/2003.
other.7z\\CGB.7z\\CGB\\B86__ハム太郎 2\\Master\\USA\\Thumbs.db

Let's start from "other.7z" in the first Gigaleak: a screen capture of a Nintendo Game Boy Advance Wide-Boy (IS-AGB-CAPTURE) can be found in the thumbnail cache.

Cache has a last modified date of 17 April 2014 - 07:43 UTC
The original file had a name hash of 74da94bf308dfd71 (see last tweet for more info) and it doesn't exist anymore in "other.7z" (no oroginal filename is present as it was cached with Windows Vista or newer).

Thumbnail cache has a last modified date of 13 March 2018 - 18:29 UTC (when they were stolen from Nintendo?), but a cached folder preview dated 23 June 2006 - 09:53:58 UTC made by Windows XP/2003 can be found in it:

Another Windows XP/2003 folder thumbnail can be found in the path above, this time dated 31 July 2007 - 08:33:16.24 UTC.

Thumbnails for images are dated 10 - 24 February 2005.

The content of the folder was erased, but thumbnails for 6 images and 2 videos were cached using Windows XP/2003.

Credit goes to Kenko#4919 for this discovery (wrote about this in a Discord server).
From top-left, clockwise:

- image2011_0829_1348_0.bmp
- image2011_0829_1406_1.bmp
- movie2011_0815_1317_1.avi
- movie2011_0815_1531_0.avi
From top-left, clockwise:

- image2011_0822_0917_0.bmp
- image2011_0829_1348_1.bmp
- image2011_0728_0936_0.bmp
- image2011_0815_1058_0.bmp
image2011_0728_0936_0.bmp appears to resemble a screenshot from a Nintendo 3DS SDK unit (image on the right from )

A thumbnail for "MBC3_CGB.pdf" was generated by a version of Windows from Vista onward on 01 February 2013 - 06:49 UTC.

65ba76b65e2a9844 is the filename hash of it (see last tweet for info)
I was able to find 16 different Thumbs.db files in the Nintendo leaks, but only this ones have something interesting to note about them.

After looking for them in a leak, I decided to search them in other leaks too and see their content.

From Windows Vista onward an hash of the filename is stored instead of the actual filename.

Hash is computed by using the following algorithm:
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