a few tips on how we can each better support transgender people ⬇️
know that, even in LGBTQ+ spaces, anti-transgender remarks or situations can unfold. challenge these if you see them!
don’t ask a transgender person what their “real name” is. acknowledge, respect, use the name a person is currently using. using the wrong name is often referred to as “deadnaming”
confidentiality. if a transgender person confides in you, they confided in YOU. do not share their personal information with others
understand limits as an ally. GLAAD wrote “being an ally is a sustained and persistent pattern of action; not an idle or stable noun.” it’s okay to not know, but there’s always more to be learned + practiced
& when it’s time to learn, it’s good to do your own research... without relying only on community members to help! there are many existing resources (check out the Straight for Equality: Trans Allies guide) ‼️
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