So here goes! The first Socially Sound Twitter thread.

This is the Socially Sound Story.

Socially Sound is owned by me @andrewleese89.

The Socially Sound name came from me wanting to combine social media with music.

What I soon realised was Socially Sound was more than a name. It is a mission.
I want to become Socially Sound and I want to help others feel that too.

Socially Sound is not about increasing followers. It is helping artists think like marketers.

"Most artists think like failed startups. Too much time creating. Not enough time promoting."
As a journalist, marketer and strategist, I have worked in the electronic music scene for 7 years.

I have known for a long time that DJs and record labels are not reaching their potential.

Marketing in the underground music scene is years behind the rest.
So many DJs, record labels and event promoters do not understand data, prioritise their website or feel comfortable doing self-promotion.

Independent artists and labels rely on Direct To Fan (D2F) platforms and distribution companies. Payouts can take weeks, if not months.
That is why events are so important. They offer instant data and regular income.

With no events, artists have lost their income and their live content. Neither is coming back anytime soon.

Artists are now left with a worldwide fanbase and need to find a new way to engage.
For years, artists have used music to increase bookings.

Now, artists are having to use music as content to generate income.

It's the biggest power shift since social media became so influential in the music industry.
This is where Socially Sound comes in.

There are plenty of platforms teaching artists how to make music - nobody out there is shouting about how to market it.

Until now đź’ˇ
Socially Sound is a membership platform for artists, creatives and business owners.

There are three key components to the Socially Sound Membership:

• Network
• Learn
• Grow
Network - Socially Sound Social Club - hosted in Slack

The Socially Sound Social Club is your backstage wristband. This is where the artists, managers and industry members are hanging out.

You never know who you are going to meet next.
Learn - Socially Sound Hub - hosted in MightyNetworks

The Socially Sound Hub is home to live webinars with special guests, workshops, courses and weekly case-studies to help you find your voice online and get your music heard.
Grow is about applying what you have learnt.

The mission:

- To help artists think like marketers 1% more each day.

The Inspiration:

"Intensity makes a good story. Consistency makes progress."

đź’ˇ 1%
You can follow @sociallysounddj.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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