1/ A thread about upcoming Yearn 2.0 yVaults for @iearnfinance and recent, significantly positive governance changes. A new update (Yearn 2.0 yVaults) are to be released shortly, likely over the next weeks or coming months. This update is significant and dramatically improves the
2/ yVault product offering. Instead of each yVault having only one strategy, instead it will enable *multiple* strategies per vault, each with their own programmatically adjustable debt limits. Underperforming strategies will quickly be scrapped, well-performing strategies will
3/ receive more funding and generate more profits. End users do not need to do anything. Strategists within the Yearn and overall DeFi ecosystem will be competing to craft profitable strategies. Increased competition will breed innovation, and overall benefit end users of the
4/ yVaults and YFI holders. These will be the most advanced and profitable yield-farming aggregators in all of DeFi. Yearn has recently expanded its yield-farming strategies from just Curve to other protocols and coins. Testing is underway for several new yVaults, including
5/ leveraged DAI & USDC on Compound, Hegic WBTC & ETH lots, Pickle/Uniswap, Sushiswap, and Yearn has recently deployed a new veCRV “Backscratcher” vault that is benefiting both the Curve and Yearn ecosystem. Several new YIPs have been implemented recently that drastically
6/ improved the fee structure of the Yearn ecosystem. In summary, for Yearn 2.0 yVaults withdrawal fees are removed, and the 0.5% subsidized gas fee is also eliminated. Instead a more equitable and easier to comprehend 2% management fee on AUM and 20% performance fee on profits
7/ will be effective for Yearn 2.0 yVaults. Since 2.0 yVaults will be the most advanced, profitable, and safest yield-aggregators on the market they will likely attract the largest amount of capital. The 2% AUM will increase overall profitability that ultimately gets directed
8/ towards YFI holders. The 20% performance fee is also an improvement as it is easy to understand vs. the confusing subsidize gas fee. This fee is split between Yearn governance (YFI token holders) and the Strategist. Strategists will now be 100% committed and focused on
9/ generating the most profitable strategies as it directly impacts their own financial compensation. The previous model did not have incentives as aligned. Additionally, because of this new fee structure Yearn has the brightest and most advanced developers in DeFi contriving and
10/ working on strategies. No other protocol is even close to the level of competence. It is not only Andre as a sole developer, though he still contributes, it is a vast team of highly proficient and knowledgeable developers. The best in DeFi. Another recent YIP also will
11/ establish an Operations Fund. A portion of earnings will be used to purchase YFI and give to contributors, likely with long-term vesting. This puts perpetual buy-side pressure on the YFI token, aligns long-term incentives of contributors with the price of the YFI token, and
12/ also locks up more of the already scarce supply. There is about to be another ySide supply crisis as YFI purchased by governance is locked up and given to contributors under a vesting schedule. You still don’t have YFI at this point? Andre Cronje is still a contributor to the
13/ Yearn protocol and nearly everything he is developing is aimed at increasing efficiency or performance for Yearn. He recently created the Keep3r network, which is a decentralized ecosystem that enables keepers to complete tedious or repetitive tasks on behalf of job creators.
14/ Yearn yVaults can use Keep3r to automate several administrative activities of the yVaults. Yearn won’t need to pay developers $1m a month to call the harvest(). Lel. Instead it can use the Keep3r network to complete these tasks.
15/ Overall operating overhead will decrease and profitability will increase. Andre is also working on incorporating call/put options into LP strategies in an effort to eliminate or drastically mitigate risks of impermanent loss, which is plaguing nearly every LP and AMM DeFi.
16/ I’ve also accounted for Yearn’s 90 day rolling earnings and this figure annualized is roughly in the $15 - $20m range, this is without Yearn 2.0 yVaults and a new fee structure, which will improve profitability. Yearn is an extraordinary business model as it has almost zero
17/ variable costs (gas fees) in relation to its top-line revenue components. Based on the rolling 90 day figures and a conservative 50 P/E (for this industry and competitors) a FMV of YFI is around $33,000, drastically
18/ than current market price. This is not financial advice. Polychain Capital, 3AC, Framewokrs are all in. This is smart money. Did you fall for the plebbit tier @DegenSpartan fud? Unrelated note he sold all his YFI under $1,000 so I would be pissed too. Thanks for playing.
19/ The Yearn community is also among the most dedicated (besides the LINK marines) and talented in the space. There are tons of talented designers such as @CL207, @x48_crypto, @WrongNebula, @FUTURE_FUND_ , and others that are working on beautiful new designs for the Yearn 2.0
20/ website and UI. I have seen sneak peeks of these images and they are unbelievable and very creative. There is even a top-secret anime brapper page that will make @DegenSpartan go all-in after he sees these brappers. It’s truly god-tier.
21/ Now for the charts. It violently bounced off the low and the terrible downward trend and is already up 3x from the bottom. The trend has completely reversed and there is a ton of upward momentum. MACD has flipped positive and still shows strength. RSI is strong with positive
22/ momentum. The trend will likely continue. A massive ascending triangle recently broke out, upwards. Nominal numbers of $20k were shattered, and its currently eyeing the $25k resistance area. A push to $30k+ seems likely from the chart alone, but also from the Yearn 2.0
23/ yVaults that will be launched in the future. Competitors? There are none really. They all got hacked and are completely JUSTd. Harvest (yearn copy-cat) hacked for $25m. Value DeFi (formerly known as YFV) is a Yearn clone and also got hacked for $8m.
24/ And Pickle? Lel. Well Pickle will be just another product offering under Yearn 2.0 yVaults. They aren’t a competitor, merely another one of our product offerings. And this photo is all you need to know. Yearn is the pinnacle of DeFi composability
25/ and the centerpiece of yield farming and aggregation. It is the foremast leader and innovator in the space. The best part is there are now no more Blue Kirby children with their emotional outbursts. I personally fired him myself. Tokyo is back on the menu.
26/ That's a man.
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