Hi!! So most of you probably won’t have heard but there was a massive leak of women’s and teens’ nudes in Ireland around 6000+ all from men on discord. There are no Irish laws against revenge porn and imaged based sexual abuse, incl. blackmail is unfortunately legal. The Irish-
Government is a disgrace and continually make no effort to protect women in situations like these. This leaking on a mass scale has really drawn more attention the issue and we really need the people responsible and the government to be held accountable for their actions and-
Inactions. The link below is to petition the Irish government to end revenge porn and to make it a criminal offence within Ireland. Even if you’re not from Ireland this is such a serious issue and women need protection from exploitation! Women have rights to privacy and consent-
Should always be prioritised when sharing images of someone online!! So please do sign this petition and hopefully the Irish government will hear the demands of the people and begin to change their misogynistic ways!
You can follow @fitzgrantIII.
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