Let's talk about women. Irish women in particular. Those that have subscribed to the homophobic and misogynistic gender ideology. Many of these women are intelligent enough to know better yet in the name of *inclusivity* this intelligence has been abandoned (1)
Ireland's history towards it's own women is shameful and abusive. We had the Magdalene laundries where women were sent if the unthinkable happened and they got pregnant while not being married. All of these were immaculate conceptions apparently. No men involved (2)
We had the mother and baby homes, paedophile priests and abusive nuns, a 14 year old rape victim had an injunction taken out against her by the AG preventing her from travelling to the UK for an abortion, cervical screening scandal, baby trafficking etc (3)
There is so much more that could be added but that's just a flavour of it. Progress has been made but it's not perfect. Women's rights are not secure and never have been but many modern day women who regard themselves as *liberal feminists* don't understand that (4)
Women's rights are under attack by the same old forces of misogyny now wrapped in the disguise of an ideology that seeks to trespass on women's boundaries and trample all over the safeguarding principles concerning children. And some Irish women are actively cheering this on.(5)
When you include men in your feminism then it's not feminism. When you select a biological male to represent women, then you cease to represent or speak for women. When you see no problem with 2 male sex offenders housed in a women's prison, you are morally bankrupt(6)
When you remain silent about these male sex offenders you are guilty of putting these women at risk so you can feel morally self righteous about yourself. When you collude in the dehumanizing language aimed at women in the name of inclusion of men, you have betrayed women (7)
Thankfully, not all irishwomen are like that and are now fighting back, not just to safeguard and protect women's rights, but also a generation of children that have been indoctrinated with this nonsense. Those women enabling this c odology will be well remembered by us.
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