Starting now.
. @dougducey turns it over to @drcarachrist first.

'Last week, the week of Nov. 8, all but two counties had a percent positive above 10%,' meaning they had substantial spread, she says. 'And this week, we are trending higher.'
'Last wk, CDC released important updates to their mask data & guidance. We know now that masks provide more protection than previously thought,' @drcarachrist says. 'New studies recently showed that wearing a mask can also protect you from the infectious droplets of other ppl.'
'I can't stress this enough: We recommend that all Arizonans wear masks in every setting, including public settings, public transportation, at indoor and outdoor events and gatherings, and in private settings,' @drcarachrist says.
'Arizonans should wear a mask any time they will be around other people who do not live in their household,' @drcarachrist says.
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