Exercise for dog?

Short circuit breaker
Sympathises with those in apartments
If have a yard can use that
We’re concerned would have lots of people walking dog on Mt Lofty and beach
Why bottle shops open?

People have an alcohol addiction and can’t let them go without alcohol for too and cause escalating MH issues and domestic violence
Why 6 days?

Life cycle of this particular virus and hiw quickly it is reproducing

6 days is about 2 generations of spread

Allows time to track the latest generation and the contacts
Will be loosed on number of cases and tests and whether getting to contacts and close contacts

If cases minimal over next 6 days
Those who must be tested are those directed to test
If in quarantine and develop symptoms get tested eap Woodville Pizza
Then anyone with symptoms
Why Woodville a priority?

Case at Stamford was a concern as could not link it until linked timing to Pizza bar
The worker there was found to have infected another infected staff member and the Stamford worker

Could be surface or person to person
No further cases at Stamford so far after test blitz
Was Medihotel system not as safe as thought?
Always pragmatic about this
Always risk and with increasing cases OS then in hotels then increased risk of spread

Have lots of masks in SA and Detmold churning out large number
Cloth masks being sold out but hoping to improve supply chains
Looking at getting masks to supermarkets
Will put up info on making home made masks
Stay calm
Don’t panic buy
Plenty of supplies coming in
Stay informed on government web site
Worried about going hard?

If don’t then don’t get second chance

Prevention paradox that if get 0 cases it will have worked but people will say went too hard
Unique response
Responding to situation in front of you and data you have got
Hardware stores now open is a change?

For essential home maintenance jobs eg fixing toilet etc
Not about going to garden dept etc
Asked about dog exercise again?

Didn’t want large numbers out and about but will be first thing that gets lifted
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