Long thread on Roger Ibanez’s performance for @ASRomaEN against @GenoaCFC incoming.
#ASRoma #Ibanez
Roger Ibanez for @ASRomaEN against @GenoaCFC
Key Statistics -
Passes attempted - 47/50 (94%)
Forward passes attempted - 35/37 (95%)
Duels won - 10/13 (77%)
3 Fouls
0 🟨
#ASRoma #Ibanez
In this first half @ASRomaEN are essentially playing a 5-2-3 when out of possession. #ASRoma #Ibanez
Ibanez plays on the left of the back 3, this could be an issue as he favours his right foot. For example, 3 mins in he fails to control from a throw with his left foot conceding possession. However, it isn’t much of a concern for the rest of the game. #ASRoma #Ibanez
As part of the back three Roger is keen to step forward and try to intercept possession. Just 4 mins in he wins possession and plays a lovely forward ball to release Mkhitarayn. He is comfortable on the ball and demonstrates a good range of passing throughout. #ASRoma #Ibanez
Just 2 minutes later he again steps forward to intercept possession, but this time after passing to Mkhitarayn he continues his run as part of the counter. Ibanez collects the ball from Henrikh, cut inside onto his right foot and has a poor shot. #ASRoma #Ibanez
He has another goal scoring chance 9 mins in when after an initial corner is cleared Pedro finds him at the back post. He attempts to control the pass on his chest then shoot, allowing the block, when instead attacking the cross is probably the better option. #ASRoma #Ibanez
Being willing to step forward and intercept is a strength, but it does also create risk. Around 27 mins Scamacca turns him as he’s too tight to the attacker, and on 30 mins he again gets sucked in and is caught under a long ball. Smalling covers conceding a corner. #ASRoma
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