Global athletic skills should be a focus for talent ID and development for teams and sporting organisations...

And aspiring young performers benefit from a balance and varied diet when it comes to the content of practice sessions...
'Players' maturity status should be taken into account to adequately value performance in talent identification.
The focus on characteristics that appear to be minimally biased by an earlier maturational timing (i.e. motor coordination) should be increased'
'Fundamental movement skills.. play an important role in the process of acquiring sport-specific motor skills in prepubertal soccer players.
When considering the long-term training process, a wide range of FMS activities should be applied for better acquisition of soccer skills'
Happily general motor proficiency and athletic performance can be improved in young athletes via regular inclusion of general motor skill activities during practice sessions...
Kids who possess greater general motor proficiency are also more likely to continue to participate in youth sports.

Developing athletic movement skills should be part of the strategy of seeking increase participation at youth level:
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