Water signs it’s time for your read
Water signs have an emotional barrier that rarely comes down. They are always on guard to make sure someone doesn’t act out of pocket or try to create issues in their environment. This comes from growing up in a household that had unpredictable emotional disruptions.
Water signs grow up in a household where the emotional environment was slightly tumultuous but not always overt. There’s always a little tension present in their childhood. Overtime this has created an expectation in water signs that SOMEONE is going to fuck up their good day.
The mood and tone of the household is largely influenced and set by the mother. When their mom was happy, things were more relaxed and upbeat. When their mom was upset, angry etc, the house felt more restrictive and depressing.
This has created a deep distrust on what people are capable of and if they get close enough, will they ruin or attempt to ruin their peace. Water signs have a pessimistic view on the effect people ultimately have on them.
Cancer grows up with a mother who tends to be emotionally immature or a mother who lacks the ability to understand how her actions effect the emotional well being of the family as a whole.
Because of this, cancer can feel as if their emotions are not an important factor in the decision making by the parent(s) growing up. This causes them to feel alone, self protective and creates a level of selfishness that they feel is needed to survive. It’s really just trauma.
Cancer has an underlying anger that is always there. This causes an impatience and intolerance for anyone who doesn’t immediately understand them or their emotions. They burn bridges too quickly when they get triggered and this behavior is learned from one of their parents.
Cancers can feel anxious to understand people because they’re trying to make sure they’re safe to open up and connect with them. The thing they don’t realize is sometimes this comes off as needy or “too soon” which can create a situation where they feel rejected and misunderstood
Cancers can bring the chaotic ways of connecting with people that they subconsciously picked up into their present day life. This creates situations that causes them to feel misunderstood, dismissed and invalidated. These are cycles learned and recreated from their childhood
Cancers have to begin to question their defenses and responses to distinguish whether it’s about the person they’re currently side eyeing or is this a learned reaction from their traumas and upbringing.
Scorpio usually grows up with a mother that creates turmoil in the household due to her explosive temperament. This could come from outright rage or getting upset and shutting down to the point where no one can make her feel “better”.
Due to the lack of regard for others that their mom(and other family members) can display when upset, Scorpio learns that people express their “unfiltered emotions” in a toxic, destructive way.
This has caused Scorpio to pick up an unapologetic approach to lashing out. If they’re upset, they feel justified in their actions to emotionally, verbally or physically punish whoever made them upset.
This also causes Scorpio to feel like people are also going to treat them like shit unreasonably (especially if they get upset), so they are always trying to brace for the day that someone is going to “unexpectedly” turn on them or make their life hell.
Scorpio has to learn that the toxicity they witnessed amongst their family is not conducive for the trust that they want to foster in their relationships. The issue is, trust is not seen much growing up so they can self sabotage whenever a person or r’ship makes them feel safe
Pisces deals with a lot of emotional pressure from a young age. This is because their mothers were always in a disheveled emotional state. The reasoning goes from substance abuse to worrying to sacrificing for everyone to having mental health issues to being abused.
The thing that is consistent is Pisces mothers are very unaware of the emotional pressure little Pisces is experiencing. From childhood, the message that Pisces receives from their mother is that life is burdensome. Life carries weight that they’ll never be able to make “better”.
This causes Pisces to experience a lot of sadness as a child because their mom never seems to be “ok”. They tend to feel a guilt and responsibility for their mothers emotional state and well being that they can never seem to fully fix.
This causes Pisces to grow up and feel that everyone comes before them and if anyone is in distress around that they care about it’s their fault. Even if the problem has nothing to do with them, to Pisces, it’s *their* fault that they can’t fix it.
This causes Pisces to feel out of control, sad and guilty.
This is why Pisces tries to avoid the “bad” and focus on the “good” in people because Pisces *always* feels a responsibility to take on everyone else’s demons until they release the need to dedicate their life to helping their mother.
Pisces has to realize that their mom has her own path and own lessons. Even if life seems to be unfair to her, she is an adult just like you and her healing ultimately lies in her hands. Release the burden that you can’t control.
Because Pisces grew up seeing a lot of emotional and mental dysfunction, this causes them to feel like bad things will inevitably happen so they have to learn how to adapt to negativity by mentally escaping instead of actively finding a solution to remove it from their life.
Pisces has to look at the emotionally disempowering mental cycles and behaviors they picked up from their childhood so that they can feel truly free of burdens and live their life they way they want and not the way life just seems to “happen” to them.
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