Here are my thoughts on Efsun and Yamaç. I hope you read through to the end before commenting. I’ll talk about things from Efsun’s perspective and then I’ll get to Yamaç and in the end, I’ll talk about what we take from this.
I’d first like to say that it’s really sad to see so many of you argue about who’s wrong and who’s right and who made more sacrifices. This is not a competition. It takes both of them to make EfYam. If you don’t like one of them so much, it’s time you stopped shipping EfYam then.
Efsun is a complex character. She has a lot of good in her, she’s merciful and kind. She’s vulnerable at times but she never shows that to strangers and she only broke that wall with Yamaç and even with him it took a long time.
Efsun also has a dark side. She’s vindictive and when she’s hurt, she hurts back as Yamaç said. She attacks. She’s that woman who’s even willing to hurt herself if that’s what it takes not to show any weakness.
Efsun would rather die before allowing anyone to see her broken and that’s what happened when Yamaç saw her in that state the night he confronted her and this is the reason it hurt her that much to see the hug. She hated herself in that moment and that’s what was more painful.
To her, the man that she gave her all to, put up with Çağatay for, dealt with Cengiz’s blackmailing for, killed her own grandmother for, the man she let her guard down with, was there hugging a woman who’s pregnant by him after he’d just left her house angry.
To her, he was getting back at her and that’s not what love is like and why that moment was proof for her that he didn’t love her. As a woman who has a lot of pride, what Yamaç did was an insult to her. She was disgusted by herself.
She regretted the sacrifices she made for him and saw that he wasn’t worth any of them. She even told him that during their confrontation because she really thought that but when Yamaç told her he loved her, she believed in their love again.
But deep down, she didn’t have any proof besides his words. That’s why her confidence was shaken by what Çağatay said.
When Yamaç told Efsun she played him, she saw that he didn’t trust her. It broke her heart. We all saw her reaction after she went home. That was the moment Efsun started doubting his love because to her, after everything they’d been through, how could he think of her like that?
What made things worse was when he left her standing with a gun in her hand in front of her grandmother’s body without insisting to help. She told him to leave but when you love someone, you don’t leave them at a time where they need you the most just because they told you to.
Efsun had all these things in mind when she saw the hug. She was convinced he didn’t love her and decided to move on. She decided to give Çağatay a chance even though she knows very well how dangerous he is and that he told her himself there’d be no way out for her this time.
Which brings me back to Efsun’s personality. She was hurt, she attacked. She didn’t give the fact that she was putting herself and her baby in danger much thought because like I said, she’s willing to hurt herself too to punish herself for allowing Yamaç to see her weakness.
What doesn’t make sense in this is that this is not just about her anymore. There’s her baby too. Efsun would never endanger it but this is proof of her mental instability because of the trauma. She recently killed the last member of her family that she had left.
Efsun genuinely wants to move on. The Yamaç chapter is over for her. She doesn’t believe in love anymore and knows Çağatay doesn’t either. She knows he wants her because he’s aware of her worth, admires her and is willing to do anything to have her.
To her, appreciation and respect matter more than love. She didn’t go to the Erdenets mansion to get back at Yamaç but deep down, she did enjoy seeing him like that. She did enjoy looking him in the eyes while she kissed Çağatay’s cheek. That’s her dark side that we can’t deny.
For the kiss, Çağatay walked Efsun to her door but she turned around and stopped before they got to it and it was her way of saying that it was time for him to leave. She invited him in for coffee just to be polite and he understood that, that’s why he looked at her that way.
He was grateful for even spending the day with her and knew he wasn’t gonna have everything all at once. So please stop the invitation to sex talk.
Çağatay kissed her because he wanted to confirm they were together and she didn’t stop him because it’d be contradictory to. Her going to him, telling him it was because of his "offer" and talking to him about being with her then stopping him from kissing her wouldn’t make sense.
The two times Çağatay kissed Efsun before, she looked disgusted afterwards. This time, she looked lifeless. Numb. Falling for Yamaç, making all those sacrifices only to be disappointed in the end killed something inside of her. She doesn’t even care about her happiness anymore.
Now, let’s talk about Yamaç.

Yamaç is someone who went through the unthinkable. He had to carry an unbearable burden. He had to kill his own father. Efsun was one of the people involved in this.
He was planning on killing Makbule to take away from her the only family she had left. We all know what happened instead. Efsun saved his life and he couldn’t understand why she did it and above that, she put him to sleep. She gave him peace even if it was just for one night.
Yamaç was fascinated by her. He wanted answers and he understood that night that she didn’t know about Yücel’s plan. The woman who was that merciful and saved his life, he who was the enemy who’d tried to kill her grandmother, couldn’t have known.
Yes, Efsun didn’t know what Yücel was going to do but does that take away Yamaç’s right to still want to avenge his father and kill her? No.

But Yamaç chose to forgive her and this is something many of you take for granted.
I know Yamaç had a hand in her father’s death too but the situation he was put in was incomparable. He had to shoot his own father while looking at him. He went mad. He couldn’t sleep, couldn’t look anyone in the eyes, couldn’t touch anyone.
Yamaç never tried to harm Efsun again. He even warned her before stealing the gold. He asked her the second time she helped him sleep why she was doing it because he could feel something but she told him to leave.
He tried to move on but he knew there was something between them and that’s why he confronted her again after he got shot. That scene proved that he was willing to be with her, he didn’t see a problem in that and to him, they were even. It also showed how much he trusted her.
Yamaç is an honorable man. He’s so honest that he went back to the woman he only spent two days with and kissed three times to let her know that another woman was pregnant by him. He felt obligated to explain to Efsun because he loved her and didn’t want to play her.
He tried to move on but before even 24 hours went by, he found himself at her door. They both realised they couldn’t stay away from each other. Efsun, after knowing it when he didn’t close his eyes with her, was even more sure he loved her.
Yamaç loved Efsun so much that it was painful for him to see her go through the same pain he did, even though that was his goal when he wanted to avenge İdris.
He loved her so much that her having a hand in what caused the pain he lived through didn’t change the fact that he wanted to lift that burden off her shoulders and help her heal. He cried. He told her he’d do the same for her. How can anyone call him selfish after that?
We haven’t seen Yamaç make sacrifices for Efsun because he still hasn’t had to, not because he’s selfish. His intention wasn’t to always take and never give back.
Efsun never told Yamaç about her sacrifices so it was normal for him to think she played him when he saw Cengiz at her house. He was broken and lost at the time and we know how worthless he’s been feeling. He couldn’t believe Efsun would actually choose him or love him.
He also couldn’t believe she’d kill her grandmother for him and he really believed she didn’t want him there, that’s why he left. If he didn’t care about her at all, he wouldn’t go to her house after Makbule called him in the first place.
He also wouldn’t try to understand what happened after what Arık said to him. He asked her if she really did it for him even after Akın told him. If this isn’t proof of how insecure he was, I don’t know what is.
Yamaç made the mistake of not listening to Efsun again to understand why she lied to him about Çağatay and I know some said what she said made things worse but that’s not an excuse. If he had sat down and listened to her calmly, he would’ve understood.
He’d just learned the night before that this woman killed family for him and is carrying his baby. It’s time he stopped reacting that way whenever there’s a misunderstanding. This is what made Efsun feel like he still didn’t trust her.
But, let me stop you at an important part. She lied to him. Yamaç is a very honest man and doesn’t like being lied to.
Efsun knows how much the Çağatay subject bothers him and to her she did it to avoid another fight, but to him, the woman he loves welcomed Çağatay, this man that he can’t stand and that he knows wants her, into her home and lied to him about it.
Some of you started talking as if Yamaç always yells at Efsun or mistreats her when it only happened twice because of Çağatay and in both times, Efsun lied to him.
Some are saying Yamaç yelled at her without taking into consideration she’s pregnant. He didn’t yell because he doesn’t care, he lost control because she’s the woman he loves and love makes people act recklessly and speak without thinking sometimes.
Of course he’s gonna be wiser around a woman he doesn’t love because she has no affect on him anyway so stop the stupid comparisons!
That hug can be considered a mixed signal but what he said afterwards is proof that it wasn’t. It was an apology hug. As for the hug and the forehead kiss when he she was living in his house, Yamaç was trying to move on but he couldn’t and he said it himself.
Besides, they weren’t that big of a deal to him and he’s not responsible for the way Nehir interpreted them. He didn’t try to sleep with her, he didn’t kiss her on the lips, he couldn’t even bring himself to sleep next to her.
When she told him he never talked to her about having another woman in his life, he said that they never brought up the subject. He didn’t even feel like he owed her an explanation unlike he did with Efsun and this alone proves he never showed Nehir that he was committed to her.
If he was trying to move on for a while, why did he get upset then when Efsun told him she was leaving? I’ll tell you why. He’s in love. Passionate crazy love doesn’t exactly go with logic.
Even though he tried to move on, which he failed at miserably, he still couldn’t accept the fact that Efsun was willing to leave him.
Many are saying that to Efsun, her and Yamaç were over and that’s why she had the right to give Çağatay a chance, but Yamaç doesn’t know that. Did she break up with him? Did she let him know they weren’t together anymore?
He left her house and told her Çağatay could come whenever he wanted but that was typical angry boyfriend words. He didn’t mean it was over between them and Efsun is smart enough to know that so what she did was unfair to Yamaç from his point of view.
Efsun didn’t hear Yamaç and Nehir’s conversation but he had just told her the night before that he wasn’t even sleeping next to her and she knows there’s a baby between them so Efsun rushed into her decision to move on. She should’ve talked to Yamaç about it.
Yamaç didn’t hug Nehir to get back at Efsun like she thought and after he saw her with Çağatay, when he went to check on Nehir later and she told him there was nothing but the baby between them, he could’ve made a move to give her hope out of anger but he didn’t.
He showed her that he was on the same page and left. He still stayed faithful to Efsun.
But what Efsun did if we look at things from Yamaç’s perspective... She, while he believed they were still together, spent the day with Çağatay and let him kiss her so Efsun technically cheated on him. He will be crushed when he learns about this.
Yes, Yamaç should’ve done something or talked to Efsun after what she did but you forget that he doesn’t have a normal life or a regular job. He had to deal with many problems as usual but
I’m sure he was planning to confront her because he would’ve told Nehir they should try to work things out again if he decided to forget about Efsun. His reaction when Çağatay talked to him was also proof he was planning to do something about the whole situation.
What I’d like to say in the end is both Efsun and Yamaç made mistakes. Efsun shouldn’t have been so guarded around Yamaç since the beginning. She needs to learn to open up to him and tell him about everything he doesn’t know about yet.
Yamaç needs to learn to listen to her and understand that his jealousy and insecurity are ruining their relationship. It’s his turn to make sacrifices and fight for her. They need to trust each other and work together against the Erdenets.
One last thing, we analyse and explain but we know that Yamaç leaving Efsun and not helping her when she killed Makbule and the hitmen needed to happen so she would live through the same pain alone like him. It’s just what GH wanted. Simple as that.
Same as with the hug and Efsun misunderstanding it and giving Çağatay a chance and letting him kiss her. It all happened so GH can have the war he wants between Yamaç and Çağatay.

Don’t expect every little event to make sense and enjoy this ride while it lasts.
We fell in love with EfYam because their story is fascinating and will always be. Nothing can take that away from us.

Their beautiful scenes, their details and parallels, their deep lines, their passion... It’s all ours forever.

And remember,

Zor, yasak, dalgalı... 💚
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