Biden will play no role in Trump’s federal prosecution. He’ll pick a solid AG who will make those decisions independently. Biden is only publicly lamenting about prosecuting Trump so it won’t look partisan when the AG does it. Everyone stop fretting over this, it’s a non-issue.
Besides, Trump will try to pardon himself on federal charges. The delay from the resulting court battle will mean that New York will get first crack at him on state charges. If federal charges come after the pardon mess is sorted out, Trump will be in state prison by then anyway.
I see many people going completely out of their minds, turning against Biden, doing the “all hope is lost, Trump is going to get away with it all” routine, and it’s over NOTHING. If you’re going to have a mental breakdown over politics, at least learn how politics works first.
Given Trump’s age, very poor health, the delay in federal charges due to the legal battle over the attempted self pardon, and the manner in which state prison tends to age a person, any federal charges brought against him likely won’t get to trial before he dies. Just being real.
Granted, the media, particularly MSNBC and CNN, are getting the Biden / Trump / prison narrative 100% wrong. But that’s on purpose. They’re just trying to scare or outrage you into staying tuned in. It’s one thing to watch that stuff. It’s another to start thinking it’s real.
The replies suggest that no one is understanding this, so let me make it simple:

- New York will quickly prosecute Trump on state charges, and he’ll go to prison for it

- Federal charges will be delayed by the self pardon, and will end up being irrelevant

- Biden plays no role
- Biden has repeatedly said he will not pardon Trump under any circumstances. Anyone suggesting otherwise is trafficking in fiction.

- President can’t pardon state charges anyway.

This was always going to be about STATE charges. I’ve been saying that since 2017. Nothing new.
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