Municipal leaders are having a meeting shortly over Zoom to discuss and update on the pandemic situation in Windsor Essex. I'll be tweeting while it takes place.
Mayor Dilkens says the recent decision should be a wake up call. Windsor moved up one level in Ontario’s new COVID-19 guidelines.
Gary McNamara, Essex County Warden, says "We need to slow the spread of COVID-19 and overwhelming the hospital system." Wants people to protect themselves. Says the situation is just as grim as it was and it's posed to get worse.
He says cases are surging and we need to act accordingly. He knows we have pandemic fatigue and that we miss seeing friends and family, but we need to buckle down. He says he knows we can do this because we've done it before. Wear a mask. Stay home when you're sick.
Dr. Wajid Ahmed, medical officer of health for WECHU says pandemic fatigue is hitting us along with a rise in cases. He says they have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't. He says we are in much better shape than other countries across the world.
He says we're at a similar pattern that other places are seeing with increasing cases. "The trend is definitely concerning to all of us." He says there is still significant community transmission, which he says is where most of the concern is.
Prevent the spread by: stay home if you're sick, stay 2 metres apart, wash hands often, use hand sanitzer, avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth, wear a mask, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or the inside of your elbow when sneezing.
He says we need to limit gatherings, avoid attending gatherings, limit close contacts to household members
We are in Yellow/Protect - which mean indoors we can only have 10 people, 25 outside for unorganized public events and social gatherings. Zero tolerance on all COVID-19 prevention measures.
Meaning strict enforcement of all restrictions outlined in the Regulation 364/20 - which includes gathering for any reason including any planned protest
He says to protest during a pandemic people must: limit the size of public demonstrations, no more than 100 people outdoors, must stay 2-metres apart, wear a face covering when you can't distance, wash hand regularly, hand sanizter use, and stay home if you are ill.
He says the time for education is over and we all must act now.
Mayor Hilda MacDonald of Leamington is speaking about farm protocols. She says there are new processes and procedures. Says some farms are being monitored, on site testing is being done for any farms that are concerned.
"We are cautiously optimistic" but has concerns about workers that are taken from farm to farm for work. Says they have learned from the past cases about how to handle the situation as cases increase now.
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