Fine for @JoeBiden to complain about the delay about @GSAEmily ascertainment. But, at the same time this complaint is hollow given he is not leading the Dems to be pro-active - threatening Ms. Murphy w/ subpoena if she doesn't move as soon as possible w/ lives on the line.
Joe Biden looks weak, indecisive and a push-over with regards to forcing @GSAEmily to get it going with lives on the line when his own team is reportedly discouraging @OversightDems from being proactive
Shouldn't the @OversightDems be looking into this as well? 👀
b/c logic, rational, and reasoning has worked so well with MAGA cult members like @GSAEmily 😳
Democratic lawmakers are frantically tweeting Trump's cronies obstruction of a smooth transition will have "catastrophic" consequences - yet strangely their lack of actions to hold @GSAEmily accountable don't match the urgency of their words
Would love to see more progressive orgs join @demandprogress to push @OversightDems to suppoena @GSAEmily
To be clear Democratic Leaders in Congress are not showing any urgency either. They aren’t doing anything more than just tweeting to voice their protests (they are actually exchanging fist bumps w Lindsey G on the senate floor)
FINALLY. Here we go. Now let’s see if she gets going by 11/23 - if not - then escalate
W/ her delay @GSAEmily is harming American lives & putting lot more lives at risk. If she doesn't start assisting @Transition46 b4 thanksgiving - @OversightDems should be looking to move forward in holding Murphy accountable w/ potential criminal contempt
Nearly 2,000 Americans died of Covid just yesterday alone. Every day @GSAEmily delays assisting w/ @Transition46 she becomes responsible for thousands more deaths. Blood on her hands.

Same urgency should be on @OversightDems + @JoeBiden - time to MOVE is NOW
This looks pathetic
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