A wee thread🧵| CN: alcohol use, death, hospitalisation

It's #AlcoholAwarenessWeek. Always take this opportunity to talk about the impact on others. I wrote an almost-300 page book about the impact of parental substance use on young adults so have PLENTY to say on the matter 😬
You will definitely know someone who has been affected by a parent's drinking. It's a shitty situation to live through. Be compassionate. Listen. Avoid using stigmatising language (shout out to @ScotFamADrugs and @SDFnews for their great work on terminology recently published).
I used to write a lot about my ~feels*~ when I was in the thrust of it. Also used writing to process a lot of it. I was lucky to be able to embed it in PhD work using autoethnography. I will very likely delete this later, but for now, here is the first 'story' (all true).
I can only imagine what it is like going through it right now in the midst of a pandemic, and being told to stay at home. If you're struggling with this, please reach out to someone you love + have a chat. Lots of fab work being done for folk like us by @ScotFamADrugs @NacoaUK 💜
You can follow @DrSGreenwood.
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