Sushant has done some Amazing Ads in his lifetime. I'm attaching some of them in the thread here that I found online. I respect & appreciate the brands that let Sushant show his authentic self while sharing many great messages through the ads! Here we go! #AmitShahExpediteSSRCase
1) This is one of the best ads that Sushant has done. He's shown to be one of us common people who are uncertain about their future but motivates us to take control of our own lives by creating a startup with like-minded people. Hats off to @SonataWatches #AmitShahExpediteSSRCase
2) SSR portrays a guy who speaks broken English. In his quirky character, he inspires people to embrace their true selves without compromise. He makes us believe that we're good enough regardless of our ability to speak English. Hats off to @NestleMunch
3) In yet another awesome Ad, this time, SSR actually hit back at all his haters who mocked him, questioned him and his life's decisions, and discouraged him. He also reaffirmed that we don't need a godfather to become a superstar. Hats off to @SyskaIndia #AmitShahExpediteSSRCase
4) What I liked about this was that SSR emphasized the importance of obeying elders, while also listening to what your heart wants. In the end, he states that we should decide if we wanna buy Lux cozi rather than obeying him. So Hats off @Lux_innerwear #AmitShahExpediteSSRCase
5) In this Ad, Sushant shows that it takes a lot of hard work & sacrifices to become what he is. The ad emphasizes that more than a celebrity, SSR is a human being. In all, he inspires us to envision our goals confidently! Hats off to #VelocityEyewear
6) Even this simple Ad for a denim brand shares a great message via Sushant that our goals can cost us time, relationships, & even life's reality, but we still have control over how we look & how we feel about ourselves! Hats off to @FlyingMachine80
7) In another Syska ad, Sushant highlights the fact that you're more than just an individual & you matter as a society. You're someone's student, teacher, a loving son, a fun-loving ladies' man, an idol, a fan, normal & formal.
Hats off @SyskaIndia again #AmitShahExpediteSSRCase
8) In this ad, SSR was shown relating his attention to detail that he put into his film Dhoni with that of OnePlus mobile. He perfectly uses the concept of evolution & experimentation to describe the model & sounds like a gadget guru! Hats off to @oneplus #AmitShahExpediteSSRCase
9) SSR's unique choice to do a Bata ad instead of expensive brands shows how much he cares for & connects with people from all walks of life, especially the middle-class people. He also uses his dancing prowess to add Spark to the Ad! Hats off @BATA_India #AmitShahExpediteSSRCase
10)This ad reminds me of Sushant's real-life workouts. The kind of pushups he does in the video requires a lot of practice. And he can get girls to admire him (in real life too) by wearing simple clothes & using his talent. Hats off to @whirlpool_india #AmitShahExpediteSSRCase
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