I've always been an activist. I've got an extensive criminal record across several counties & two countries to prove it. 10 yrs ago as a "respectable" parent & teacher I thought my direct activist days were over, so I joined the Labour party as a place to channel my energy(1)
I knew it wasn't really my bag but I can't stand doing nothing, so I thought this was better than nothing. It was something. I felt bad for Gordon Brown. I didn't share his politics, but could see he was never judged dispassionately, fairly. Obvs that got worse for Miliband (2)
Miliband had leftist leanings so I began to actively campaign. I just found 2015 old leaflet in which I featured, helping the right wing PPC of my constituency to push austerity-lite message. Pic of me & her, drinking tea, in earnest discussion about need to cut the deficit😆(3)
I thought it was bullshit then, I obvs think it's bullshit now, but I'd fallen for the "lesser of two evils", the uNiFy & GeT tHe ToRiEs OuT crap. I knocked doors, delivered leaflets, wrote letters, attended meetings. All for candidates & policies as radical as a wet fart (4)
Then along came Corbyn. At last. At fucking last, I thought. And I assumed that the right wingers whose leaflets I'd appeared on & delivered, who I'd campaigned for & donated money to would return the favour. (5)
But that was a big fat no. My renewed enthusiasm & that of the huge influx of new members was greeted with shock, disdain, then outright hostility, anger & active, persistent sabotage. The lies & smears went quickly from "Corbyn's too nice", to "he's the devil incarnate". (6)
That PPC appeared on the local news saying she'd left the party because of AS. By this time I was the chair of my constituency and running our social media sites. I never saw or heard of any AS in the local party. (7)
& all of this is just to say, do not come into my mentions, you liberal pricks, you centrist wankers, you red Tories, you misinformed, Guardian reading, middle class arseholes, you FBPE remainiac wankstains, telling *me* to UnIfY & GeT tHe ToRiEs OuT. Just do not fucking do it(8)
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