MPs set to block @jacob_rees_mogg plan to restrict speaking in debate remotely only to MPs who have medical cert as “extremely clinically vulnerable” as this breaches privacy & all who need to should be able to speak remotely in debates #MoTH
Public Health advises us all to limit travel & contacts & to work from home where poss. So 62% MPs voting by proxy. They should be able to speak in debates remotely, not be penalised for helping stop spread of the virus
Yes MPs are keyworkers @jacob_rees_mogg, but we CAN do our work remotely!
78% of Scottish MPs on proxy voting to avoid travel and contact. @Jacob_Rees_Mogg is excluding them from debates. Govt & Parlt needs to hear from Scotland in debates.
40% of Welsh MPs are on proxy voting @jacob_rees_mogg is banning them from debates. Govt & Parlt needs to hear from Wales in debates
London MPs can avoid public transport by short drive or walk to Westminster but this is not poss for MPs in regions further away. Govt needs to hear views from all round the country as well as London
Banning from debates older MPs who are avoiding travel and contact with others is age discrimination
Making MPs provide medical certificates to prove their clinical vulnerability (or that of their relative) is a breach of privacy and is not needed. @jacob_rees_mogg just allow all MPs on proxy vote to speak in debates #MoTH
51% of Select Committee Chairs are on proxy vote, able to Chair effectively from home but unable to speak in debates! @Jacob_Rees_Mogg #MoTH
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