ok so weird bit of personal news. it’s super strange, but hoping maybe somebody will have some insight or know someone who does.

so, um, I’ve eaten basically every meal at home this year—like, a good 90%—and I, well, I still have student loans?? anybody else experiencing this???
a few people have suggested something called a "side hustle"—I'm new to the concept, but have recently started a patreon, which seems almost the same??? if you're interested in fiction/posts like "how to feed yourself when you're depressed", join me there! https://www.patreon.com/AshleeLatimer 
others’ tips include acquiring a rich father—despite my ancestryDNA attempts, I don’t have one. but I *do* have a PB coming in 2022 about a little girl who overcomes body shaming w/the help of her papa & their love of words, which you can add on goodreads! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55313158
I'll probably have to mute this soon, but thank you to everyone who's brought so much acerbic joy to my life/feed in the last 24 hours! If you can forego an 🥑 or ☕️ this week, plz consider donating that💰to the GA run-offs so we can take back the Senate!! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/georgiasenate
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