Infuriating. DEFCON is widely recognized by election admins as pointless. It does not replicated an actual threat environment. That NBC sent a reporter to act as if it did blows my mind. And that DEFCON organizers are now *taking credit* for improvements this year is laughable.
The machines they use are years old, bought on eBay, hackers are allowed unlimited & total access to them. This does not replicate the election environment in any way. Still, those same organizers made major media outlets believe that 13 year olds were capable of hacking machines
If DEFCON organizers are upset that Trump has used their *own words and exercises* to his advantage this year, they have no one - no one - to blame but themselves and the media who bought it.
There are a lot of people who have made a lot of money doing "consulting" work for elections despite having no elections experience, putting out documentaries, writing books. All based on the false narratives spun out by DEFCON. And now all of that has come full circle.
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