Over the years the EU and UN have taken it upon themselves to label Jerusalem as having an Eastern part that is “illegally occupied Palestinian land.” What comes out this declaration is actually more pernicious than what’s usually realized.

While they’re declaring part of Jerusalem Palestinian land they remain extremely ambiguous regarding Israeli sovereignty. By doing so they actually show their deep bias on their stance regarding this conflict.

When resolution 181 was passed it stipulated that Jerusalem would be an international zone, or a corpus separatum, and under foreign control. All citizens would be designated as “citizens of the city of Jerusalem” unless one opted for citizenship of the Jewish or Arab state.

When the war broke out the international zone wasn’t enforced. By the end Jordan occupied the east (which included the Temple Mount and Kotel) and Israel had control over the west.
This is what’s commonly referred to as the “Green Line” pertaining to Jerusalem.

Res. 194 was passed in Dec 1948. It’s commonly referenced to this day pertaining to the status of refugees and claiming their “right” to return. How is this relevant to the status of Jerusalem? Articles 7, 8, and 9 maintain that Jerusalem should still be a corpus separatum.

When the war finally ended Ben Gurion held firm that retrying to implement a corpus separatum would be futile. On December 5th 1949, he declared Jewish Jerusalem (the “western” part) an organic, inseparable part of the State of Israel.

Four days later, on December 9th 1949, the UN General Assembly approved resolution 303 which reaffirmed its intention to place Jerusalem under a permanent international regime as a corpus separatum.

The UN has never revoked resolutions 181 and 194, which continues to be the official position that Jerusalem should be placed under a special international regime.

The European Union continues to support the internationalization of Jerusalem.

Why is this important? Because for the most part, the UN and EU keep referring to the “eastern” part as occupied Palestinian land. Yet maintain their ambiguity, seemingly in accordance with corpus separatum, with respect to Israeli sovereignty by not recognizing it.

So if they have this stance as seeing Jerusalem as unified while deliberately referring to half as Palestinian what does logic tell you about how they view the other half?

Not part of Israel.

Hence Israel doesn’t trust international bodies to be good faith negotiators.

They didn’t lift a finger to maintain international control as promised in the past. Today they use that very status, which they themselves couldn’t implement, to deny our sovereignty in the city while simultaneously breaking that same status for Palestinians.

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