In the last 6 years that I've been actively watching anime, there has never been a studio that made me invested in their works more then KyoAni does.

Even the shows with the simplest stories or far from bombastic stories still left a mark on me.---
Thanks to their attention to detail in all fields possible like the animation, the sound and the expressions. I always can feel the amount of love that is put into a frame.

Their stories alot of the time have the topic of "family" somewhere meshed into it.---
And whenever this is addressed in their show I always feel most invested. The love and care you can deeply feel, as if you yourself are put into that situation.

A warm feeling that I've never felt from any other studio yet, hence why I always look forward to their shows---
I hope that I was able to convey a bit of my feelings to you about this great studio :)
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