As we witnessed in the #BidenHarris election, there is power in using #communityleaders to get #COVID19Ontario under ctrl. This isn't abt just #onpoli or even #cdnpoli making rules & mandates. To speak to the public & families, use their leadership. 1/4
We need to communicate now directly with the rabbis, the priests and pastors, the heads of gudhwaras and temples, the boards of community organizations based in faith and culture.
Have THEM communicate directly with the public that understands them 2/4
Physicians and nurses in these communities should be approached and captilized on to have community town halls and q&a periods.

We need to be innovative and bold and direct.

We are a hugely diverse cultural-ethnic population. It is what makes #Ontario unique and special
Use the power of our diversity and leverage it NOW to ensure we create a #covidsafe Ontario!
Remember the definition of insanity!
@TorontoIDDoc @zchagla

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