Mental resilience | Sleeping 2.0

The 2020 pandemic stress has a long-term impact on our mental health. Pain and suffering is undeniable.

During stress, melatonin, the night sleep, drops. We develop sleeping disorders.

Normalize sleeping and boost mental fit.

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Before going to bed:

1) Meditation:

Never underestimate the power of meditation. Lately, life itself gained some speed. In this rush, we forgot our mental diet.

Mediation is like earthing of our deionized body particles. No wonder why some are angry | evil | selfish | sad.
Daytime is for dynamics of our body. Night is for recharging of tired body. Completely about mental health. When night starts:

2) Get rid of sorrowness

Body should leave daytime behind while entering the door of mental life.

Sleeping can’t help if your soul is tired.
Mental resilience is all about self-judgement. Can’t win the battle being self made lawyer of yourself.

3) Forgive the ones that you hate a lot!

That’s right. Practice the muscles of mental health frequently with hard. Choosing forgiveness isn’t an easy. However, it does worth!
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