Hot take: brand marketing is severely underrated.

Too many brands jump straight into advertising without truly defining their identity — their story — because of fear of falling behind.
The thing is... there is already SO much content out there, it is difficult to stand out from the noise *and* get people to advocate for your brand.
People don't want *more* content... they want content worth sharing or engaging with.

And the content you're sharing — and how you're sharing it — ultimately drives perception of your brand.
And if you're paying to promote bad content... you're only amplifying *bad* content.

The quality isn't going to change.
Standing out from the noise is where branding comes in... Your unique value. Differentiation. Your WHY.

It's more than a logo and pretty colors. It's your story.

But companies skip brand strategy because it can't be measured as easily as marketing. Go figure.
Hot take #2:

Design, both visual and systematic, is also underrated. But I'll stop here.
On that note... if you're a marketer, would you mind taking the survey below? 👇🏽

It's for a good cause. 🙂
You can follow @ivonnealdazz.
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