3 years ago my father in law (douche canoe) divorced my mother in law at 64 years old. Left her flat broke.

Immediately I could see that this was going to be a problem (for me lol).

So I got her on an aggressive savings plan and then I put everything into bitcoin.
She doesn’t know what she’s invested in. She thinks she’s in the market LOL I just call her investment “the market” when I talk to her about it to her.

I’m like “hey the market is up today”

LOL when I’m really saying “bitcoin is up today”.

She trusts me so it’s all good.
Plus if I would have whiffed it, I was going to make her whole out of my own pocket.

But obviously I didn’t whiff it and bitcoin is up like a motherfucker.

She now has over 100k in savings for the first time in her life.

I can’t tell you guys the change I have seen in her...
She is an entirely different person than she was post divorce

For the first time in her life she has security and peace of mind

She’s way less anxious and neurotic

She just overall seems calmer and more at peace

A few years ago we were worried she was going to kill herself
Today she’s happy as a clam.

By the end of this bull run she’ll be a millionaire.

How crazy is that?

A woman who makes 28k a year working at a pre school who was flat broke 3 years ago will literally be a millionaire.

She thought she was destitute.

Bitcoin changes lives.
This was the little napkin math number plan I ran for her the day she got divorced.

We sat down her balling her eyes out and ran the fucking numbers.

This is where it starts, with a solid plan and solid attainable goals so that you can track and measure your journey.
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