. @SeattleCouncil Budget Committee shortly. We have heard that there will be a budget amendment introduced to remove all Safe Consumption Space funding proposed in the budget. We need all Councilmembers who have shown support in the past to not allow this amendment to go forward.
We are really excited about the budget amendment that would allocate $100k for handwashing stations based on the Seattle Street Sink model. With #Covid_19 rates rapidly increasing, we need to immediately prop up more sinks for everyone to have access to wash their hands 🤲
First caller for public comment talks about how council members were pro cutting @SeattlePD in summer, but now are talking about adding officers.
Second caller from @_BeSeattle asking to keep tenant advocacy as a priority in this budget. We need to prevent displacement.
Another caller talking about how @SeattleCouncil is not defunding police by at least 50% as proposed in summer.
Two callers now have pushed for @cmkshama police community oversight board.
Another @_BeSeattle commenter rightly calling attention to the "tsunami of evictions" coming once eviction moratorium is lifted. Asking for sufficient funds to fight back against these evictions. Also shows support for Solidarity budget.
Katie from @SeattleTRU showing support for Solidarity Budget, and asking to shift $9 million from @SeattlePD for now new hires.
D3 resident from @SolidGround thanking council for proposed funding for rapid rehousing.
Disability Rights Washington caller supports $20 car tab fee, but wants to make sure this goes towards advancing equity and sustainability. Wants deeper conversation to make sure this happens.
350 Seattle showing support for Solidarity Budget and #DefundSPD. Wants car tab fee to be a more open process that advances equity, not simply going to bridges.
1st caller against reducing @SeattlePD. Worried about public safety. Says downtown Seattle is becoming unsafe. Now "lawless"
@phin_sea supports People's Budget and Solidarity Budget. Need tent cities in District 5 (there are none now). Need more funding than the 4 tiny house villages proposed. Stop the sweeps and #DefundSPD
Caller from REACH thanking council for more funding for outreach. Ask for continued support for outreach efforts.
Caller from Transportation Choices signaling support for car tab fee, but not for this going solely to bridge maintenance
D4 caller asking to shift $9 million away from @SeattlePD for no new hires. We need to transition away from funding police and scale up alternatives. Supports funding for sidewalk project in Beacon Hill. Green New Deal. More tiny house villages and funding for Scofflaw Mitigation
Amy from @TenantsUnionWA supports Solidarity Budget. Urges $9 million away from new hires for @SeattlePD. Supports $500,000 for tenant organizing.
Chloe from REACH calling to ask for $100,000 to support the Social Service Provider Academy. Need to support and grow our frontline communities.
Student from Center School. Asking for increased funding to Health One Team.
Sonja (working mom of 2) asking Council to support @cmkshama amendment to #DefundSPD by at least 50%. This would make the proposed budget a *true* anti-austerity budget. Supports elected, community oversight board over @SeattlePD
A few Parking Enforcement Officers calling in thanking Council in support of their proposal. Supports moving funding for parking to the Community Safety and Communications Center.
Caller in support of Safe Consumption Spaces. Need continued support now. Council should continue support for moving this funding forward.
D7 renter, member of @SocialistAltSEA. Asking to increase Amazon tax on big business that have profited off the pandemic. Need more funding for affordable housing, transportation, defend our planet, fund green new deal. Asks Council to stand by their promises to #DefundSPD
Sophomore from Garfield HS calls to #DefundSPD and "invest into a system that values human life." Invest in mental health resources, expand GND, COVID relief, tiny house villages...
@PugetSoundSage calling for council to shift $9 million for @SeattlePD and to hire no new cops. We need an equitable and inclusive Seattle.
. @VOCALwashington caller thanking Council's support for Safe Consumption Spaces. Saying we need your continued support.
Supporter of increased vehicle license fees (prior I referred to these as car tab fees), but against this going solely to bridges. Supports amendment to open up discussion of where these funds would be spent.
Another student from Center School calling to #DefundSPD "We need a safer environment for people of color after George Floyd." Comments on how there are more police around schools that are predominately attended by people of color.
D7 resident calling for increased payroll taxes on the largest corporations. Mentions how much money @amazon has made during the pandemic.
Jesse from @DefenderOrg thanks Council for their support for Safe Consumption Spaces and evidence based research.
Third student calling from Center School. "Why is @SeattlePD only cut by 17% in 2021 budget?"
Supporter of Whittier Heights Tiny House village calling in. Shows support for street sink program!
Another caller calling for community oversight board for @SeattlePD. Says current structures aren't working.
Graduate student in Clinical Psychology from @UW showing support for moving funding away from @SeattlePD. Green New Deal. Fund outreach to those living in vehicles. Tiny house villages.
Last caller during public comment voicing support for Safe Consumption Spaces.
To recap, only ONE caller was against #DefundSPD
Waiting eagerly for this one to pass
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