I deleted from the original thread he's replying to, because that's a separate battle. But yes. I roll my eyes at "science is real!" from anyone who's trying to tell me that sex either doesn't exist, or is on some spectrum & there's no good way of knowing what sex someone is. https://twitter.com/HeywoodFloyd10/status/1329109934051643392
I think if you're gonna do both of the following things, ppl are justified in ignoring you:

1. Our elections are secure & we can definitely tell who won!

2. It's impossible to tell if someone is male or female w/out a battery of tests &/or assumptions.
So you're gonna tell me that male/female is some colonialist, anti-science conspiracy that ppl have been hoodwinked into swallowing, but our electronic voting system is definitely reliable and sowing doubt about its results is only for Alex Jones types.

Got it. Sorted.
They don't care enough about me to come for me. I'm a openly gun nut, a prepper, & a Christian. So I'm kinda already lost. https://twitter.com/jonjone71483839/status/1329112771334692865
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