Hey hey, this is Rachel Ehrenberg ( @Rachelwrit), Associate Editor here at Knowable Magazine

I’m livetweeting today's free panel: “Covid-19 & the Immune System: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” Follow along: #ResetImm

PS-there's still time to register: http://knowmag.org/3mTPOIa 
Today’s speakers:

E. John Wherry
( @WherryLab @PennMedicine @PennMedBench)

Akiko Iwasaki
( @HHMINEWS @YaleIBIO @YaleMed @YaleEMD @YaleSPH)

Richard Gallagher
(EIC, @AnnualReviews & Publisher, Knowable)

"How did your work on covid begin?"

@EJohnWherry began profiling immune response to viral infections in March. #ResetImm
As for @VirusesImmunity, her lab was studying immune response to other respiratory viruses and STD viruses. She began putting together a bio-repository of samples to study responses in real time. #ResetImm
Epithelial cells replicate the virus, about 700 particles per infected cell.

Imagine multiplying that number over and over, especially if there's no immune defense, says @VirusesImmunity. #ResetImm
It's a race between virus and immune system, says @EJohnWherry.

There's an immediate response by initial immune system troops, then it takes 1/2 a week to 10 days for T cells and other players to get going. The initial dose of virus plays a big role. #ResetImm
What about young people responses that seem to be protective?

@VirusesImmunity says still a lot of unknowns. But kids are constantly getting colds, some of which are caused by coronaviruses. #ResetImm
Also kids may have fewer ACE-2 receptors, which the virus uses as a doorknob to get into cells. Still a lot we don't know. #ResetImm
It seems like kids are more resistant up until about age 16, says @VirusesImmunity. Older people are most affected. #ResetImm
What is time scale for typical T cell response to virus?

@EJohnWherry says about a week to 10 days for T cell response, you are also getting a B cell response. T cell is backup and/or partner to antibody response. #ResetImm
There are multiple ways the immune system seems to be failing in response to SARS-CoV-2.

Failing = inappropriate response. #ResetImm
This is the fastest we've learned anything about a human infectious disease, probably in the history of man, says @EJohnWherry, akin to what we learned in a decade of studying HIV. #ResetImm
These genetic differences seem to matter for interferon pathways.

(Interferons are immune system molecules named for interfering with viral infections.) #ResetImm
If you can't make interferons, a very early frontline defense, it crumbles the rest of the defense system says @VirusesImmunity #ResetImm
That's partly because interferons prevent spread.

When T cells arrive, they destroy infected cells, so they will have to destroy many more human cells if virus has been multiplying unchecked says @EJohnWherry. #ResetImm
Humidity in air matters too says @VirusesImmunity #ResetImm
What's the deal with blood groups being associated with severity of infection?

That's the $64,000 questions says @EJohnWherry. It may be associated with blood coagulating.

Diet? We know healthy diet makes for a healthy immune system: fruits, veggies, etc, also keeps gut bacteria healthy. But we don't know a lot more than that. @EJohnWherry #ResetImm
Also exercise, enough sleep, healthy lifestyle very important, though hard to maintain during a pandemic, says @VirusesImmunity #ResetImm
Long-term consequences: long haulers suffer from disease for months, debilitating in some people.

We see that with some other viruses, says @VirusesImmunity. #ResetImm
So many people are infected with #Covid_19 now, we are seeing a lot of people suffering from long term problems. #ResetImm
Bright points: lethality is low and the virus seems to be mutating slowly (unlike HIV).

That's important for vaccine development, so we should be thankful for that, notes @VirusesImmunity. #ResetImm
What about compromised patients, like people with cancer?

@EJohnWherry says most people with solid tumor cancers don't seem to do worse. But people with some leukemia/lymphomas or lung cancer do seem to have problems. #ResetImm
Most cancer patients are older, and that elderly population is more at risk #ResetImm
What about neonates (preemies)?

These neonates are at greater risk, underdeveloped. But if breast feeding will get some protections from mom. @VirusesImmunity #ResetImm
We have seen infection of placenta. Illustrates the very widespread nature of viral infection: heart, intestines, etc. #ResetImm
Are the recent positive vaccine results surpising?

@EJohnWherry: These are great results. Great data. We have to see it out in real world, these are just trials so far. But this is a major turning point. #ResetImm
But we have to be practical too: @EJohnWherry says we have to produce a lot of vaccine, vaccinate a lot of people, many of whom are resistant to vaccines. #ResetImm
The Pfizer news looks like it was effective in older people, which often isn't true for flu vaccines, so this is very good news, says @VirusesImmunity #ResetImm
What explains how fast these were developed?

Partly because of an investment in the last 15 years in basic vaccine research at the NIH. @EJohnWherry says that work put us in the position to do this faster than we could imagine. #ResetImm
We also have a lot of new platforms: RNA backbones, DNA backbones, that allowed us to do this quickly, says @EJohnWherry.

And the entire biomedical research community stopped their other work and turned to Covid-19. #ResetImm
It's a reminder to continue to invest in basic research and the understanding of immune responses, says @VirusesImmunity. #ResetImm
How are researchers faring?

There is a physical toll of this work says @VirusesImmunity, but we also feel energized and honored to contribute to understanding of this virus and help come up with therapies. #ResetImm
The toll of the hard work is countered by the emotional drive to contribute to society, says @VirusesImmunity. #ResetImm
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