Here is a thread in support of #AmbassadorPeteUN. For the videos, I include very brief summaries. Common themes in his foreign policy speeches and conversations are:
1. Climate change is a global threat multiplier, from pandemics to conflict to mass migration, in addition to extreme weather events.
2. Tackling existential threats like pandemics and climate change requires global cooperation. So does defending democracy and human rights.
3. Authoritarianism and rightwing populism are on the rise worldwide.
4. China’s technocratic authoritarianism is seen as a viable alternative when Western democracies are eroding from within and without. Their Belt and Road initiative, building critical infrastructure worldwide, makes ties to China stronger as our influence declines.
5. Leaders need to communicate that foreign policy is not an abstract issue; it affects the daily lives of all people, from trade deals to war.
6. We need to reform and update global institutions that are largely unchanged since the end of WWII.
7. All foreign policy measures must be rooted in core values, planned with a coherent strategy, and have a clear end goal, especially when it comes to the use of military action.
8. To regain any credibility on the world stage, we must live up to our professed values at home.
We can counter the political, economic, and ideological contest between the US and China without this inevitably becoming a 21st century cold war. #AmbassadorPeteUN
Trump alienates allies while enabling autocrats. America needs to update our security policy for 21st century threats like AI, cyber security, and disinformation. We can make globalization work for rather than against worker’s rights. #AmbassadorPeteUN
Increase global stability and prevent atrocities through coalition efforts rather than unilateral action and use of force unless absolutely necessary. Xenophobia and rightwing populism are on the rise globally.
Policy success is defined by diplomatic rather than military efforts. Isolationist policies are ultimately self-destructive. “American values and American interests are inseparable and intertwined.”
If you have any videos, podcasts, or articles in support of @PeteButtigieg becoming #AmbassadorPeteUN , please feel free to drop them below!
You can follow @JenAnneCampbel1.
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