CW // slurs

This is your weekly reminder to stop fucking calling intersex people hermaphrodites, dickgirls, cuntboys, herms, and Japanese terms like futanari. We’re HUMANS, not a fucking fetish.

This also applies to trans people, but we need more INTERSEX awareness rn.
Intersex people are as common as redheads. We account for approximately 1.7% (may be higher) of the population. That’s a lot of people who are being completely ignored and outright HIDDEN.

Wake up and do some research; especially the weeaboos who keep fucking calling me a futa.
1.7% of 7.8 billion people around the world is 132,600,000. more than 132 MILLION people are on the intersex spectrum. For context, there are 331 million people living in the ENTIRE United States as of 2020.

So, why don't they teach about intersex people in health class?
Why am I "just a birth defect" to so many people?

Intersex isn't JUST a birth defect. I also see the misconception that intersexuality inherently means deformed or detrimental. It doesn't. Intersex people have higher risks for a lot of things, but SO DO """"NORMAL"""" PEOPLE.
YES, some intersex children need corrective surgery to make sure they can live comfortable lives (ie., opening the urethra or connecting tubes where they need to go).

NO, you don't have the motherfucking right to have your child MUTILATED to make them "NORMAL." I should not have
to live with lifelong, agonizing pain that flares up at random due to scarring from the "corrective" surgery that took away my perfectly functional penis and left me with a "female" system with little sensation.

Fuck anyone who thinks this is acceptable. Seriously, FUCK YOU.
Intersex people deserve to grow into their bodies and make their own decisions about what to do with them. If THEY want to make changes, THEY get to make that choice. NOT THEIR PARENTS.

If ANY future parents are seeing this, I want you to retain this information and CARRY IT.
Do not leave your child with the damage I've been dealt. Don't. Full stop, do NOT opt into """corrective""" surgeries to make your child cosmetically binary. It's not "fixing them," it's ERASING a part of them.
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