I've been thinking. Why is it that Indigenous voices only matter if they are left leaning verses Centre right?
Thanks for the feedback. If true reconciliation matters than all voices matter. Too many times we want to story tell. Too many time we peace meal our economy. We fund this narrative that keeps many communities broke. We can still be proud of our culture & make money
Some communities receive ngo funds to do documentaries on our way of life. Were story tellers. I love that. Its pride & should be motivation to change the way we think, but doesn't. The truth is when all we focus on is the story & no tangible outcome. 99% of the people stay broke
...many remain financially strapped, but yet these communities have the opportunity right in from of them. The Haisla Nation are in full independent mode. Sole source revenues. Their language & culture are thriving, but you never hear or watch any of it in MSM.
Ngo funded media outlets like Vice want to control the narrative. They want the public to hear how destitute we are. Ngos maybe part of the problem, but its leadership who allows this to continue. If you can't break away from the status quo & change the narrative that's on you.
More & more communities are becoming independent through responsible resource development. If communities don't start realizing the opportunities in front of them they will always be left behind. A band-aid may help in the short term, but they always hurt when they are torn away.
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