It's easy to think that those who don't think like you, don't think. Or they just want government handouts. Or... Just had a good political discussion with a young adult who probably never finished hs. Informed, thoughtful, good-willed. Didn't just hold party line.
In other words, bias often negatively attributes the worst motives (greed, ignorance, etc etc) to others while contriving the most honorable of personal motivations.
So maybe instead of vilifying EVERYONE on the other side, we should listen and dialogue. Might find common ground. Might reach understanding. Might persuade. Might even find a friend instead of an enemy.
Somewhere along the line we moved from the arena of ideas to the place where Rs only want to crush liberals. It's not working.
Record voter turnout for Biden (against Trump) should show that much. Do you want to live in a world of suspicious and bitterness toward your neighbors?
Ultimately, we all know politics is not the answer, but by the time we get to, "Oh, btw let me tell you about my Jesus" we will have alienated those we want to reach by our divisive political rhetoric.
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