Today is #LGBTQSTEMDay. Here's a brief history behind November 18th ⬇️
The story begins with Frank Kameny. He was a @Harvard graduate with a PhD in #astronomy.
In 1957, he was fired by the @USArmy's Army Map Service when they found out he was gay. Kameny was barred from all federal employment based on his sexual orientation. So he began his lifelong fight for gay rights.
Kameny brought his appeal case to the US Supreme Court on November 18th, 1960. Ultimately, the court case was unsuccessful, but this day marks an important moment when a queer #scientist stood up for his community.
The fight against #LGBTQ+ workplace discrimination must continue beyond November 18th. As part of the #STEM community, we must recognize and break down barriers for LGBTQ+ people to feel safe and encouraged to pursue STEM careers.
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