Having endured a second viewing of the CEEC video, I found it difficult but mostly not surprising.

The one surprise was how the philosophy of 'disagreeing well' (a premise of #LLF) appears to have made not a jot of difference to how disagreement is still being articulated. (1/4)
Is it 'disagreeing well' when the CEEC:
- Calls their position 'non-negotiable.'
- Says the Bible is 'absolutely clear' in support of their position.
- Speaks of those who disagree as under God's judgement.
- Talks about Christians who disagree 'making a mess' of the faith.
Is it 'disagreeing well' when the CEEC:
- Singles themselves out as 'people with integrity.'
- Claims it is being faithful to 'the real Jesus.'
- Implies Christians who disagree are preaching a deficient gospel.
Is it 'disagreeing well' when the CEEC:
- Holds the threat of schism over any discussion.
- Openly calls for political mobilization to seize control of General Synod.

(All of the above taken just from the video in question.)
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