1/ THREAD: What I buy before rewards:
2/ The market (out of packs specials, some meta golds, icons) rises after rewards almost every week. Why? 1) People open tradeable packs, sell the contents, and have more coins to spend. 2) People get untradeable red picks and want to buy links
3/ Expecting a market rise, I buy as much as possible before rewards. I usually go into rewards with close to zero coins.
4/ What do I buy? 1st priority - meta out of packs specials that STRONG link to LOW rated meta players in the current TOTW. Why? These rise the most due to links to red picks. In general, the harder the player is to link, the more any obvious strong links will rise
5/ Last week for example, I didn’t buy links to TOTW Messi, nobody packs red Messi. They pack red Lozano. I bought a lot of Rulebreaker Mertens, he rose a LOT. The week before, I bought a lot of Rulebreaker Llorente for the Joao Felix link. He also rose a LOT.
6/ If it is very obvious that a low rated meta card will be in TOTW, start buying links on Mon/Tues before TOTW is announced. Look at some predictions you trust. The earlier you can buy the links, the better prices you'll get.
7/ Don't buy links to current IFs that aren't meta. Nobody is rearranging their team to fit in stuff like IF Sommer or IF Busquets
8/ 2nd Priority - Meta out of packs specials and Icons that don't link to current TOTW. These still rise as more coins enter the market, but they don't rise as much as ones that link.
9/ Last priority - High rated meta golds. We're getting near the time of year where golds stop rising at rewards, but high rated and in demand golds will still rise at rewards for a few more weeks. Stuff like Varane, Kante, Mane, De Bruyne, etc.
10/ Golds in general rise less than out of packs cards since they get some supply at rewards. If I have coins left before rewards and can't find any more deals I like on out of packs cards, I'll buy some meta golds.
11/ Once you've determined what you want to buy for rewards, all other trading principles still apply. Watch trends. Look for downtrends. Wait for undercuts. Get the best buy prices you realistically can.
12/ Watch out for overinvestment. Most people know how the rewards cycle works. You're not the only one investing for rewards. If you see that a card is already up a lot pre-rewards (especially TOTW links), you may have to accept that you've missed the boat and move on.
13/ When to sell rewards flips? Golds - sell Thursday morning. They will drop at Marquee Matchups again due to supply. If you can't sell in the morning, wait until the night when they rebound from the Marquee Matchups drop.
14/ Out of packs specials and icons - List all day for lazy buyers. Don't list for the cheapest on the market in the morning, they will continue rising all day. Most people rush to sell in the morning and the price continues to rise after that.
15/ You usually get the highest price Thurs/Fri night. Exception - for new promo weeks I like to sell Thursday morning because 1) a Thursday loading screen can cause market panic, and 2) I like to be liquid going into promo Fridays to buy into panic when the promo drops. The End
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